A Portland Barbell Club

We are a community united by a passion for Olympic weightlifting and a shared commitment to excellence. Nestled in the heart of Southeast Portland, we share a space with a Crossfit Risio our facility provides the ideal environment for athletes of all levels to train, grow, and achieve their Olympic weightlifting goals. At Common Ground Weightlifting, our mission is simple: to empower athletes to reach their full potential through the pursuit of mobility, technique, strength, and camaraderie. We believe that by creating a supportive and inclusive community, we can inspire each other to push beyond our limits and soar to new heights in the sport of Olympic weightlifting.

Olympic Weightlifting

Optimize your potential

Remote Training

Personalized training for your needs

Meet your coach

Hi, my name is Nate. I’m an Olympic Lifting coach with over 10 years of fitness experience, my mission is to help others find their best selves through movement and fitness. Whether it’s weight-loss and nutrition, muscle building, or just an overall improved level of health, I’m passionate about guiding my clients on their journeys in reaching their goals. I specialize in teaching people how to move a barbell more efficiently and effectively for weightlifting. While helping them feel comfortable and confident with Clean & Jerk along with the Snatch. 

My theory of training involves achieving better mobility, engrain the basics, and proper body mechanics over intensity. I am an advocate for move better before moving fast. Not only am i a coach Im also a Masters athlete for a competing weightlifting team. Doing local comps and national comps. When im not at the gym i enjoy ALL the eats, beer, and fancy cocktails Portland has to offer. Come lift with me to and let me be your guide to fitness.